This phase of engagement has ended.

Stratford Waterfront

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Report on the first stage of consultation for the Stratford Waterfront masterplan

The first stage of consultation about the new concept masterplan for Stratford Waterfront took place between August and November 2017. It focused on presenting the concept masterplan, its principles and the emerging proposals for feedback. As well as people responding via this website, a programme of other activities took place resulting in a valuable set of feedback.

So far, the consultation has engaged with more than 2,300 people in a variety of ways. The analysis shows that 83% of respondents feel excited about the plans for Stratford Waterfront.

The design team are actively taking on board all of the feedback that we received, which includes a number of recommendations on process:

  • Undertake relevant analysis to identify under-represented groups, particularly BAME populations, which can be targeted going forward.
  • Ensure Stage 2 consultation materials explain how the feedback thus far has informed the design process.
  • As design progresses use a consultation format which allows the communication of greater detail, in a graphic, easy-to-digest and engaging format.
  • Agree with the design team and partners the areas of focus for consultation going forward and appropriate timing for feedback to influence the design.
  • Continue to use the consultation process to raise awareness of Stratford Waterfront and what it has to offer to local communities.
  • Ensure that comments not specific to the masterplan are recorded and passed to the correct teams for consideration.
  • The next stage of consultation will take place later in the Spring of 2018, and will build on the successes and lessons from stage 1. The team will be introducing the draft masterplan including individual building designs. 

    You can download the full report on the stage 1 consultation here .

    Posted on 26th March 2018

    by Victoria Stonebridge